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Job review from Barbara in Pikesville, MD 21208 on 10/07/24

Overall Rating:

5  out of 5
Our Overall Service
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Our Installation Crew
The Cleanup Process

What made you choose our company:

Having a stranger coming into my house for anything is an extremely stressful situation. He was our Service Technician. He turned our intimate issue with sensitivity and politeness. He looked very professional, and introduced himself accordingly. He insured that all of the existing equipment was operable and efficient. He checked the backup batteries, inserted a new filter, inspected the outside perimeter of our house. He cleaned up a series of pooled water that had seeped onto the crawl space floor. He applied a compressor discharge hose where there was none; hence the source. I have never experienced such a thorough assessment, seamless implementation, evaluation and complete resolution of an issue by a technician. He gets a "10" in my book. He delivered exceptional on site customer support. He went above and beyond our expectations (and people have stated that I can be a pain). He is truly representative of what a Field Service Technician should be. THANK YOU!!!!