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LawnScape in Chillicothe

LawnScape is a pipe buried from the downspout to a special LawnScape Outlet that lets the water out onto the surface all while camouflaging the end of the pipe.

Egress Window in Davenport

Homeowners Maricruz and Daniel have lived in their 1960’s home for the last two years. They plan to live in their home for at least the next ten years. They would like to make one of the rooms in their basement a bedroom. Having an egress window installed in your home is a great idea for fire safety and to have it follow fire safety codes. Maricruz and Daniel contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems because they knew that the work would be done quickly and with the best quality.

New Basement Flooring in Seneca, IL

New flooring installation in Seneca, IL. 

New floors in Washington, IL

ThermalDry flooring installed in the home. 

Functional, Luxurious, Warm Basement in East Peoria, IL

After having his basement waterproofed, homeowner, Steve wanted his basement to look like water has never touched it. He wanted the space to be once again functional where his family could enjoy watching TV and playing games. MidAmerica Basement Systems was happy to help! On top of waterproofing his basement, Bill was able to install Elite Plank Flooring to finish off his space.

Real wood should never be installed within a basement. The TheremalDry Elite Plank Flooring system gives you that warm, luxurious look without you having to worry about water or moisture distorting the flooring. It contains no wood at all, just the look of it. It comes in two different shades, a light pecan, and dark walnut. Installer, Bill was able to install dark walnut in Steve's home. The flooring is installed by locking the planks together. They are designed with raised pegs, so they do not sit directly on the concrete floor. They are designed to sit above so water vapor does not get trapped underneath the system. If there ever happens to be any type of water leak the planks can be easily removed and dried and reinstalled as nothing happened!

Homeowner, Steve now has his basement back and can enjoy it once again thanks to MidAmerica Basement Systems! If you are having the same issue as Steve, do not hesitate to reach out to us, we would be happy to help you!