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Tom and Sonja were noticing some uneven areas on their driveway and sidewalk, making it dangerous for them and their guests to walk. They called MidAmerica Basement Systems to have their concrete lifted and leveled. During their evaluation, they were introduced to the new PolyLevel solution. PolyLevel uses a lightweight foam that stabilizes sunken slabs by filling the voids, adhering to the soil, and lifting the concrete back to its desired state. Because the material adheres to the ground, it provides a longer lasting solution than typical mudjacking. Now Tom and Sonja have a leveled driveway and sidewalk once again.
This whole slab of concrete of a Sherrard, IL driveway had become completely uneven. The PolyLevel system changed that right around and made the slab even again by lifting it back up.
Rick was noticing some issues with his driveway sinking, causing the entrance into the garage to be rough. He reached out to MidAmerica Basement Systems to have his driveway mudjacked. Instead of mudjacking, he was offered PolyLevel. PolyLevel uses similar techniques to mudjacking, but with more affective and longer-lasting results. Small 3/8th inch holes are drilled to inject the high-density polymers. Once injected, voids become filled, and then expand to lift and level the concrete. The once 2-inch drop, is now level again with PolyLevel.
Homeowners John and Kathy contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems when they were having water issue in the basement of their home. When the waterproofing crew began the work on their home they discovered that the floor of their home had a very large void under it. To make sure that the waterproofing was successful they needed to have the void filled with PolyLevel foam to make sure that the floor was stable enough to handle the waterproofing project. Small ports are injected into the slab and then the foam is pumped under the slab.
Sheila M. of Bettendorf is a returning customer at MidAmerica Basement Systems. She previously had a waterproofing system installed and had heard of all the other services we provided. She was having issues with her driveway being very uneven. When she saw the service of PolyLevel, she knew should could count on us to help her once again. Crew members injected PolyLevel to her driveway, so not only the appearance would be better, but to provide a safe place to walk. With the injection of PolyLevel, Shelia will never have to worry about it washing out from underneath the slabs, but instead, providing a long-lasting, stable environment.