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Pool Concrete Repair in Rock Island, IL

Outdoor pool with cracked and sinking concrete repaired with poly foam. 

Concrete Deck Leveling for Davenport, IA Home

Mike was concerned about his concrete deck in his backyard. A large gap had appeared between the deck and home, creating an unlevel entertainment area for him and his guests. His concerns about replacing the entire deck quickly disappeared when he heard of MidAmerica Basement Systems PolyLevel injections. PolyLevel is a foam that is injected under the concrete slabs to fill voids, and precisely and effectively lift and level sunken concrete. Mike no longer has gap between the deck and home, but a level entertainment area.

Concrete Leveling and Stabilizing for Home Davenport, IA

William was noticing his concrete slowing shifting and sloping, making the step up to his porch quite large. Cole, from MidAmerica Basement Systems offered the solution of PolyLevel. PolyLevel uses polymers to fill the voids that have caused the concrete to shift and sink. Once it becomes reactive, the PolyLevel expands to lift, level and stabilize the concrete. The quick reaction time allows for a precise and accurate lift, making sure no under- or over-lifting occurs. William now has a level and stable sidewalk to his porch.

PolyLEVEL is the Perfect Solution to Repair Sinking Concrete

Entrance way of apartment complex recently is having Slab Settlement problems. Slab Settlement is the movement a concrete slap experiences when the soil below can no longer support the weight of it. Reasons this would happened would be because there Is changes in soul’s moisture content, Wash-out of soil under the slab, or poorly compacted fill soil. Mudjacking is an old-fashioned method for leveling concrete, one of the biggest drawbacks to this approach is that the high-pressure grout is very messy. PolyLEVEL fills the void and the expansion of the polyurethane allows for a precise lift and stabilization of the slab. Advantages of PoluLEVEL are you have less holes, quick cure time and high capacity lifting strength.

PolyLevel in Davenport, IA

Homeowners Brian and Rita have lived in their home for many years slowly over time they noticed that the driveway was starting to sink and crack. They knew it was time to seek professional advice when the driveway started to shit and was an eyesore. The polylevel is pumped under the slab and the foam expands and hardens to lift the slab. They also had all the cracks sealed.