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Carbon Armor Strengthens Ishpeming, MI Home

An affordable, quick way to stabilize block or poured concrete walls is with Carbon Armor.  The strong carbon fiber straps are attached to the wall with epoxy and don't protrude from the wall so they can be easily covered with paint or light wall panels.  

CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcement Installation in Iron River, MI

Foundation wall cracks and bowing basement walls are signs that your foundation is in need of repair. Our carbon fiber basement wall repair solutions can help reinforce your bowing walls and repair cracks. 

Push Piers & Geo-Lock Wall Anchors stabilize L'anse, MI Foundation

This homeowner was experiencing settlement in one corner of their home along with two sections of block walls bowing inward.  The settlement was corrected by installing 8 of our 288 push piers from inside the basement. To stop further inward movement of the basement walls, we used Geo-Lock wall anchors.  Once the home was stabilized, lifted, and the walls were pulled back into place the cracks were then tuck pointed. 

Lifting & Stabilizing a Floor Above a Basement in L'Anse, MI

SmartJacks Installed in L'Anse MI